
Meet HIPAA requirements with Medcurity as your guide.

Register today for a chance to win a complimentary HIPAA Security Risk Analysis package including:

Security Risk Assessment

Our online tool guides you through a complete risk assessment, producing an audit-ready final report.

Remediation Tracking

Medcurity generates a detailed, risk-stratified worklist with tasks that can be assigned to team members and tracked via an executive dashboard.

Customer Support

The 12-month Medcurity subscription includes access to our support team for any compliance questions.

On-Site Services

Add an on-site visit from one of our HIPAA experts to conduct a third-party audit. (Fees apply)

Enter today: One winning organization will be randomly selected on June 1, 2020. Only one entry per organization. Entry indicates consent to participate in a case study and agreement to be included in Medcurity’s future marketing efforts. Details will be discussed with the selected organization prior to acceptance.

Experience a Better Approach to IT Planning, Security, and Privacy

Medcurity provides the tools and services you can trust
Proven policies and procedures ready to customize
Leading Risk Management software platform
Experts with decades of Healthcare IT experience
Well-vetted partnerships and technologies ready